
You’ll be thankful to own BG Company manage your accounting as Bulgaria rewards transparent accounting and employs a rigorous system to stay companies under control once they present their financial status.

Our accounting service covers management and control of your company’s finances, a quick latent period full compliance with the statutory deadlines, correct and in-time submission of reports to the revenue authority and exact payment of the taxes due.

BG Company Ltd renders accounting services to clients who incorporate a replacement company or acquire a ready-made one. We have established a competent in-house accounting department to out your finances are so as. Our accountants are extremely well-qualified and experienced, supported their practice with different kinds of business and variety of successfully resolved cases. That specialize our foreign clients, operating exclusively in global environment, we are specialised within the trans-border operations and international tax issues.

Also, we provide you a full spectrum of Payroll services at equally attractive terms.

The organization Compass constantly invests in enhancing the conditions of our accountants by the means of usual trainings.

What is included in our service? 

✔ Issuance of bilingual invoices, invoice notices and protocols with an accounting software in compliance with the VAT Act
✔ Processing the income invoices, expense invoices, payment orders and other documents
✔ Preparation of the monthly VAT returns and filing them with the NRA, including nil returns for the the months when the corporate had no documents to process
✔ Preparation of the annual financial statements and annual return and filing them with the NRA ✔ 60 minutes accounting consultation per month;

Important deadlines associated with the company’s business

  •  Your twelvemonth commences on January 1st and ends on December 31st. Companies that have commenced their business after January 1st report their operations as of their establishment until December 31st;
  • VAT returns must be submitted on a monthly basis up to the 14th day of the month for the incomes and expenses during the preceding month. The VAT payable, if applicable, is to be paid within the identical period.
  • The annual financial statements and annual legal instrument for the preceding twelvemonth are to be prepared and filed with the NRA (National Revenue Agency) until March 31st at the most recent. Corporate taxes due even have to be paid within the identical period.
  • Afterwards, your annual financial statements is to be published by June 30th at the most recent within the Commercial register under the company’s file on be visible for public inspection.